Christian Education
Mission Statement
Our mission is to help each auxiliary in their educational endeavors, by making sure they have the tools needed to educate each member, by providing books, and helping to set up workshops or seminars. It is our goal to make sure we are all informed Christians, able to do the work of the Lord, inside the Church, and in the community.
Christian Ed. meets
the third
Saturday of the month
Our mission is to
train members
to perform the various functions of
the Church, and to educate members about Christian theology, history,
and governance.

Linda Lemette
Christian Ed. Director
P.B.I. Mission Statement
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
2Timothy 2:15
P B I (Progressive Baptist Institute)
Sundays 9:00 am
Members Class Instructor Dea. Audrey Fleming
Sunday School
Church School 10:00am